
Article I - Membership


There shall be five classes of membership open to persons who are in good standing with the American Kennel Club and who subscribe to the purposes of this club:

  1. Associate Membership shall be open to persons 18 years of age or older, they shall enjoy all the privileges of the club except the right to vote and hold office.
  2. Individual Membership shall be open to a US resident 18 years of age and older, they shall enjoy all the privileges of the club, including the right to vote and hold office.
  3. Household Membership shall be open to two US residents 18 years of age and older occupying the same residence. Both members holding Household Membership shall enjoy all the privileges of the club, including the right to vote and hold office.
  4. Lifetime Membership shall be accorded, upon unanimous vote of the Board of Directors, to any member who has made significant contributions to the Breed and/or Club over a period of 20 years or more, Lifetime members who are US residents shall be eligible to vote and hold office in the club. Lifetime members shall not be subject to payment of dues.
  5. Junior Membership - shall be open to any United States resident, 10 through 17 years of age. Junior members shall have all privileges of the Club except the right to vote or hold office. Junior Members can convert to single or household membership upon reaching their 18th birthday.


  1. The Board of Directors may increase dues by a rate not to exceed 10% annually , with any increase subject to confirmation by a vote at the Annual Meeting of the Club.
  2. Dues shall be payable by October 1st of each year. In order to remain a member in good standing, dues shall be received by the treasurer by December 1st. Members paying dues between December 2 and December 31 shall be subject to a late fee, to be set by the Board of Directors. Members who have not paid dues by January 1 shall be dropped from membership. 


  1. Each applicant for membership shall apply on the form approved by the Board of Directors which shall provide that the applicant agrees to abide by the Constitution, Code of Ethics and By-laws of the Affenpinscher Club of America, the Parent Club Approved Breed Standard and the rules of the American Kennel Club. The application shall state the name, address and occupation of the applicant(s) and a brief history of their involvement with Affenpinschers and any other AKC Registered Dogs. The application for Associate Membership does not require any endorsement. The application for Junior Membership must carry the endorsement of one member in good standing whose dues are paid for the current year. The application for Individual, or Two Person Household memberships shall carry the endorsement of two members in good standing whose dues are paid for the current year and who have been active Club members for two years prior to their endorsement. The prospective member shall submit to the Membership Chair the application with dues payment for the current year. The Membership Chair shall forward all payments to the Club Treasurer for processing and deposit. Such dues shall be returned to the applicant if the application receives a negative vote by the Board of Directors.
  2. Each application shall be accompanied by a non-refundable application fee to be determined annually by the Board of Directors. The application fee must be published, each year, prior to the beginning of the Operating Year..
  3. Applicants may be elected at any meeting of the Board of Directors. Any application failing to receive unanimous endorsement of the Board on the first ballot of the Board shall be discussed by Board members at the subsequent Board Meeting, prior to reconsideration of the applicant. An affirmative vote of 2/3rds of the Board Members shall be required, at that meeting, to elect an applicant.
  4. An application, which has been denied membership by the Board, may be presented by one of the applicant's endorsers at the next annual meeting and the Club may elect such applicant by a favorable vote of 75% of the votes cast. This vote must be by secret ballot. Applicants for membership who have been rejected by the membership may not reapply within 12 months of such rejection.


Membership may be terminated:

  1. By Resignation: Any member in good standing may resign from the Club upon written notice to the Recording Secretary, but no member may resign when in debt to the Club. Dues obligations are considered a debt to the Club and they become incurred on the first day of each fiscal year.
  2. By being dropped from membership in accordance with Article 1, Section 2, 2, of these bylaws.
  3. By Expulsion: A membership may be terminated by expulsion as provided in Article VI of these bylaws.