The following contains general descriptions of the many different roles to be played in the operation of the Affenpinscher Club of America.
This is not a procedure manual. Neither is it part of the by-laws – though hopefully it is not in conflict with any provisions in that document!
A described role may be filled by one person or several. Any one person may fill several roles (for example at present one person is the Webmaster, Mail List coordinator, and Newsletter Editor).
The Key Responsibilities are a guide – they are not intended to be comprehensive, nor should they be viewed as 100% required. As these roles are filled by volunteers, it is expected they will bring their best effort and perform in good faith. But also, they will have fresh ideas and approaches to filling the purpose of the role.
As Club members are seeking to increase their involvement, it is hoped this document may guide them in exploring the many opportunities. You can download Volunteer Roles Document.
Volunteer Positions
Vice President
Corresponding Secretary
Recording Secretary
All Officers and Board Members
AKC Delegate
AKC Internet Coordinator
Breed Versatility Chair
Breeder Referral Chair
Health & Welfare
Judges Education
Legislative Liaison
Mail List Coordinator
Meet the Breed Chair
National Specialty Chair/Committee
Newsletter Editor
Social Media Coordinator
Sunshine Committee
Ways & Means
References and Links
Affenpinscher Club of America website home page:
ACA by laws (for officers and standing committees)
ACA hosting a specialty:
AKC bylaw services page:
AKC bylaws:
Interesting and useful site for various job descriptions – searchable for various positions:
Homeowner association document on club governance and committees – not directly applicable and much more complicated, but some useful concepts -
Dogs New South Wales (Australia) on club organization and management: