Serve to promote the best of interests of the Affenpinscher breed and the Club.
Key Responsibilities
- Review and maintain familiarity with ACA and relevant AKC bylaws, rules, and regulations.
- Maintain familiarity with Affenpinscher Breed standard.
- Board members at large (non-officers) actively assist in operations, lead/serve on committees, fulfill role(s) of functional chairs.
- Officers/chairs should actively prepare their successors with explanation of applicable record keeping and other procedures, regular meetings and routines, review of applicable sections of bylaws, and then offer to provide ongoing appropriate advice and support.
Time commitment
4-40 hours/month.
Skills, abilities, interests useful to this role
Passion for the Affenpinscher breed. Familiarity with the Breed Standard. Willingness to serve.
See other role descriptions for specifics.