AKC Delegate


Represent the Affenpinscher Club of America at quarterly AKC meetings.

Key Responsibilities

Monitor items that will be on agenda at upcoming quarterly AKC meetings and solicit guidance from Board members as applicable to the Affenpinscher breed or the Club.

Attend quarterly AKC meetings. Vote, nominate, and/or propose items on behalf of the Club.

May participate in delegate standing committees.

Report to Board following each quarterly meeting with information on the proceedings, votes, and matters of interest.

Act as ombudsman for club members dealing with AKC.

Time commitment

10-20 hours quarterly (not including travel). 

Skills, abilities, interests useful to this role

Knowledge of AKC bylaws, Club bylaws, Affenpinscher breed.  Communication skills. Willingness to serve long term (5+ years though re-elected every two).