

Maintain the documented record of activity of the Affenpinscher Club of America.

Key Responsibilities

  • Record key events during each year.
  • Take or collect photographs or images of event.
  • Prepare Annual “Scrapbook” (digital format) which includes:
    • Record of officers and elections
    • Record of key events, specifically including but not limited to National Specialty, including entries, notable attendees, and results.
    • Record of any key achievements or awards by particular members or their dogs (e.g., winning Westminster)
    • Copies of bi-monthly club newsletter produced during the year.
  • Research, retain copies, and catalogue publications/articles about the Affenpinscher breed, the club or its members.  Coordinate with Webmaster for digital archive and Club member access of the Scrapbook and related materials.
  • Report to Board as requested with at minimum annual presentation of “Scrapbook” (which may occur at annual meeting for the prior calendar year).
  • Note:  Records of events are not expected to include every show during the year where Affenpinschers were shown, nor to be an official record (as that resides with AKC), but rather selected events of “historical interest” and deemed important to the overall history of the breed in America.

Time commitment

2-20 hours / month depending upon level of activity and events.  20 hours at the high end for preparation of the Annual “Scrapbook” vs. 2 hours for receiving/cataloging items in any given month.

Skills, abilities, interests useful to this role

Organization.  Attention to detail.  Communication skills.