Design, build, maintain and update ACA website to provide information about the breed, the club, and activities to members and the general public.
Key Responsibilities
- Ensure website service and software are operating correctly. Coordinate selection of use of website hosting service. Ensure website is functional with current common web browsers (e.g., MS-Edge, Google, etc.).
- Design (or redesign) ACA website for ease of use, clarity of information, and other desired functionality and aesthetic presentation. Create/revise, test, and deploy web pages.
- Update information, notices, newsletter links.
- May enhance website function and services as deemed appropriate by Board (e.g., integration with other webservices, additional links, pages, or online store).
- Monitor and examine traffic through the ACA website. Provide periodic reporting to Board.
Time commitment
Varies from a few (1-2 hours) to many (8+ hours) per month depending upon the nature of updates and activities.
Skills, abilities, interests useful to this role
Knowledge and familiarity with website tools, building pages and sites, and their deployment within the webservice provider’s environment. Skill with image editing tools. Experience with CMS platforms such as Joomla or drupal are required. Html, MS-SQL, php programming, and other development software not required but a plus.